Samsara's Serpent: The Eternal Dance of Thought

This text comes from a description of a painting I was showing at a gallery a few years ago “Movement: The Logos” I prompted Ai to take this text and create a series of Haikus and the title of this post…

“The descending and consequently ascending aspects of thought/word/truth as spoken from the ethereal to the tangible. Samsara [cyclic existence/hero mythology; the cosmic serpent... the rescuing of father from the belly of a whale, the death and rebirth of the son. Where do thoughts come from? Are there movements through the mind intentional? Are they placed by someone/thing outside of us? Could they be sophisticated chemical reactions set in motion by reward stimulation? Have they existed for millions of years growing in cycles, moving in and out of the realms or reality?”

Ethereal whispers
Guide the mind on its journey
Samsara's serpent coils

Through the realms of mind
Thoughts dance in endless cycles
Past, present, future

Chemical reactions
Spark the fire of thought within
Rewards drive us forward

Millions of years old
Cycles of thought ebb and flow
Eternal dance goes on.

Father rescued, Son
Reborn, the cycle continues
Eternal return

Thoughts come from within
Guided by unseen forces
Samsara's dance goes on.

In the belly of whale
Father rescued,
Son reborn Eternal journey

Samsara's serpent
Guides us on eternal path
Truth awaits us all.

Thoughts descending
Ascending in cyclic flow
Ethereal to real

I created these three peices as a response to the Haikus


Rain, Renewal, and the Return of an Aged Warrior: A ReflectIon on Love, Society, and Truth


January 20-22 2023